Thursday, April 11, 2013


Hello everyone!

So here's a little secret: I've actually never tried blogging before this assignment... 

The man behind Kwaicore
I had been trying to find ways to upload some music from Thembelani (aka "Goomza") Gumede's  album, Mntaneskolo, so that you have a feel of his style, but to no avail. However this afternoon he came up with a solution to my problem through Media Fire. So if you'd like to have a listen to the very first Kwaito track in his music career, entitled Mntaneskolo, you are most welcome to visit the link for a free download:

and then TOMORROW...

We learn more about this very talented artist and music producer, when we start documenting Baby Kwaicore's first steps in his studio!! He's already come up with a few beats so there's an interesting start, but if you want to hear a BLACK man attempting KWAITO together with HARDCORE PUNK... be sure to look out for the next and final post:


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