Friday, April 19, 2013


Kgaugelo Mokgehle
Copywriter for The Kwaicore Revolution
Hello hello hello!

Just thought I should express my utmost gratitude to everyone who contributed to the movement of The Kwaicore Revolution over the past 4 weeks. Spending time submerging myself in the various pools of music, behind the scenes and otherwise, has given me a whole different perspective on what music really is, what it means to people and why.

I think I got so caught up in the hype of trends, that I had almost forgotten that there's passion behind the force that drives music. That is, the force comprising producers and artists I would never have discovered had it not been for this project. These are people who did not necessarily study music in the traditional sense, but who rather developed their talents on a DIY basis. Thembelani Gumede, Loyiso Ngcala, Ozias Macebele and Junior... all of whom were the most instrumental in the execution of this project, mainly with regard to the inception of Kwaicore.

In fact I must say I was pleasantly surprised by some of their own personally produced music- easily better than many House Music and Kwaito tracks I've heard in the longest time! Not only are they well informed and hella skilled on the subject, but they are exceptional because they play from a place within. They don't just know music but they feel it and know their way around it. Some artists argue that just like the seduction of dance, musicians need to make love to their music to fully exploit it's potential for greatness. Indeed, the Kwaicore Team has disclosed that it is that very approach that equips them with the skills required, to improvise in any situation that demands their expertise in urgency. Especially in terms of handling last minute stage performances.

So yeah guys, for me, this has definitely proven to be a worthwhile experience! If I've learned anything, it's that stepping out of your comfort zone teaches you some of the most unexpectedly inspiring lessons. To be quite honest I didn't think I'd be able to pull this off, but in a matter of 4 weeks I'd say I haven't done too shabby. The Kwaicore Revolution has extended to a larger audience than I had anticipated, so thanks to all of you I've achieved most of my objectives.

In case you haven't read my previous posts, Kwaicore is a fictitious music genre that I was supposed to make a reality. I had to create my own facts and arguments around various issues regarding the downfall of Kwaito, and the possibility of a collaboration with Hardcore Punk in order to revive it. It was neither an easy concept to initiate nor execute... at all! Especially considering my inexperience in blogging. So I really appreciate all the support, insight, comments and the interest taken in my blog. It was highly motivating, needless to say it was fun feeling like the Copywriter I want to be someday.

Thank you!